Offer your customers fast, secure and seamless payments with our specialized solutions for every industry.
Our retail solutions enable you to offer positive payment experiences in-store and online for your customers.
Deliver smart, flexible payment experiences with our solutions for all businesses in the restaurant industry, from QSR to fine dining.
Offering online payments is easy and secure with our advanced payment acceptance solutions.
Securely accept customer payments for your customers in person, online or on the go to ensure predictable cash flow.
Partner with a processor that facilitates payments and reduces your time and administrative costs.
Offer a simple, secure payment experience to your patients and boost their trust in your healthcare facility.
Make payments easy through digital invoicing or explore our integration options for your existing platform.
Give your customers a fast, easy and secure checkout experience, whether they shop online, in person or via mobile app. Our scalable payment technologies are tailored to meet the needs of your business and let you accept credit, debit, gift cards, mobile wallets and more.
Accept payments at the counter, at the table, in the patio or anywhere around your business.
Provide a secure payment experience with our Virtual Terminal for customers making card payments by phone or by mail.
Accept payments from your existing website or create Buy buttons with our online payment solutions.
Whether you are a professional in the field or a busy restaurant owner, mobile payment options can help you accept payments more effectively.
Explore innovative solutions and business tools to drive new revenue and save you money.
US Bankcard Services (USBS) has several partnership models that will help increase your earnings and support payment needs for your customers.
Drive revenue and growth by partnering with USBS to deliver fast, reliable payment processing solutions that your customers can trust.
We’ve offered merchant services to independent Sales Agents for over 20 years, providing a competitive pricing structure, generous compensation model, and best-in-class support.
Attract new and retain existing business to boost your bottom line while providing added value to your customers.
US Bankcard Servicesのウェブサイトは、現在英語版のみのご提供となっております。 近日中に中国語版が公開される予定です。
当社は、中国語、韓国語、スペイン語、日本語をはじめとする様々な言語で、カスタマーサービスやテクニカルサポートを提供しています。 マーチャントアカウントの新規開設にご興味がある場合、または既存アカウントに関するサポートが必要な場合は、以下のフォームにご記入いただくか、またはお電話にて随時お問い合わせください。
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このお知らせは日本語で提供されていますが、今後のU.S. Bankからのお知らせ、および契約、開示事項、通知、明細書、インターネットやモバイルバンキングサービスに関連する文書については、英語のみのご提供となる場合があります。本商品またはサービスをご理解・ご利用いただくためには、これらの文書に目を通し、内容をご理解いただくか、または翻訳をご依頼いただく必要があります。英語版の文書は、ご要望に応じて提供いたします。